Corlia Fourie

Author of Die jongste suster en ander slim meisie


Corlia Fourie is a notable Afrikaans author whose literary work has made a significant impact in South Africa’s contemporary literature scene. Born in Pretoria, South Africa, Fourie has spent much of her life immersed in the rich cultural and linguistic heritage of the Afrikaans-speaking community.


Her writing career began in earnest in the early 2000s, and she quickly gained recognition for her distinctive voice and compelling storytelling. Fourie’s work often delves into themes of identity, family, and the complexities of modern South African society. Her novels and short stories are celebrated for their deep emotional resonance and insightful exploration of human relationships.


Among her well-regarded works are novels that explore both historical and contemporary issues, blending intricate character studies with broader social commentary. Fourie’s ability to craft engaging narratives while addressing significant cultural and societal issues has earned her a loyal readership and critical acclaim.


In addition to her literary achievements, Fourie is also known for her contributions to various literary festivals and writing workshops, where she shares her expertise and passion for storytelling with aspiring writers and readers alike.


Corlia Fourie continues to be a prominent figure in Afrikaans literature, with her work reflecting the diverse experiences and perspectives of South Africa’s complex social landscape.

Corlia Fourie

Corlia Fourie's Books

Hierdie is Afrika-verhale wat opwindend en uniek is. Hlaulu gaan self ondersoek instel oor waarom die bosdier soveel vrees by almal veroorsaak, terwyl Tombi ‘n reus konfronteer en op ‘n ingenieuse manier van twee reuse ontslae raak. 


Ukuhleka demonstreer aan haar pa dat sy in staat is om al die mans wat om haar hand meeding, te oorwin. Laledi bly getrou aan haar lied, selfs al word sy gestraf, en Dabeda moet self ‘n strategie ontwikkel om haar vryheid te verkry. 


Ganekwane gebruik stories soos Sjeherazade om te oorleef, en daar is ook ander meisies, soos die middelste en jongste susters, wat dapper en slim veg vir oorlewing. Vir hierdie fantasieverhale het die skrywer inspirasie gekry uit beide Westerse sprokies en die Afrika-oorlewering. 


Die verhale is geskik vir beide kinders en volwassenes, of dit nou voorgelees of self gelees word. In sommige van die verhale word die waarde van stories beklemtoon.