Fortis Publishing

Bookshops Don’t Want to Stock Your Book

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Alright, let’s talk about the harsh reality: bookshops are not lining up to stock your self-published book or your book from a small indie publisher. Before you get disheartened, let’s explore why this happens and discover alternative strategies that can help you thrive in the publishing world.


Limited Resources and Space


Brick-and-mortar bookshops face the perennial problem of limited resources and physical shelf space. With thousands of new books published each year, they can’t accommodate every title that comes their way. Established publishers with recognisable authors often hog the limelight, leaving less room for indie authors and small indie presses. It’s not personal, mate; it’s just the logistics of the game.


Marketing and Promotion Challenges


Here’s a bitter pill to swallow: bookshops want books that are already generating buzz and have a higher chance of selling. Established publishers have bigger marketing budgets and extensive promotional campaigns that can create a buzz around their books. Indie authors and small indie publishers, on the other hand, lack the resources and reach required to compete with those multi-million Dollar efforts.


Return Policies and Consignment Concerns


In the world of traditional publishing, bookshops operate on a sale-or-return basis with publishers. They can return unsold books for a refund, reducing their financial risk. However, self-published authors and small indie publishers often don’t have the same return policies in place, and this makes bookshops wary. They want to minimise the chance of being left with stacks of unsold books and tight coffers.


Amazon: The Digital Kingdom

Now, here’s the silver lining: Amazon, the mighty digital marketplace, where indie authors and publishers can find their treasure trove. While bookshops might not be jumping at the chance to stock your book, Amazon provides an online platform where you can reach a massive audience. With its vast customer base and global reach, selling your book on Amazon is ultimately more profitable than relying solely on bookshops.

Amazon isn’t just any online marketplace; it’s the second largest search engine after Google. Think about that for a moment! While your book may get lost in the maze of shelves in a physical bookstore, on Amazon, it has the potential to be more visible than ever. Readers can simply type keywords or browse specific categories to find books that match their interests. By optimising your book’s metadata, selecting relevant categories and keywords, and leveraging Amazon’s powerful search algorithm, you can increase your book’s discoverability.

Moreover, Amazon offers various promotional opportunities to boost your book’s visibility. You can run targeted advertising campaigns through Amazon Ads, participate in Kindle Countdown Deals or Kindle Daily Deals, and even enrol your eBook in Kindle Direct Publishing Select (KDP Select) program. This program allows your eBook to be included in Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, exposing your work to a broader audience and generating additional income through page reads and borrows.

Did you know that bookshops can easily purchase your book from Amazon through their expanded distribution or Amazon Wholesale services? This means that even if you have an avid fan who prefers not to buy books online, their local bookshop has the option to order your book for them. However, it’s important to acknowledge that bookshops typically resist this option, as it essentially means supporting their competition.

While it may be disappointing to lose out on that one fan who prefers the traditional bookstore experience, it’s essential to make peace with this reality. Instead, focus your efforts on marketing yourself and your book to attract a broader audience and gain many more fans. Building a strong online presence, utilizing social media platforms, and engaging with readers through author events and book clubs can help you expand your reach and capture the attention of new fans.

Remember, the publishing landscape is evolving, and online platforms like Amazon provide valuable opportunities for independent authors to connect directly with readers. Embrace the digital realm, where you have the potential to reach a global audience and gain significant exposure.

By working with your publisher and investing your time and energy in effective online marketing strategies, you can build a dedicated fan base who will support and champion your work. While it’s unfortunate to lose that one fan who prefers traditional bookshops, your ultimate goal is to create a thriving writing career by connecting with readers who appreciate your unique voice and storytelling.



OK, the truth is out there. Traditional bookshops have limitations, and self-published authors and small indie presses often face an uphill battle to secure shelf space. But fear not, my friends! In the digital age, Amazon offers a fantastic alternative, where you can find success and reach readers directly. Embrace online marketing, tap into Amazon’s vast customer base, and get your book out there.


So, instead of dwelling on the limitations of bookshops ordering from Amazon, consider redirecting your focus to marketing yourself, spreading the word about your book, and engaging with your target audience. With determination and a proactive approach, you can attract many more fans who will eagerly support and enjoy your literary journey.


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