Fortis Publishing

Why Do We Authors Expect Our Debut Novels to Be Bestsellers?

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Congratulations on embarking on the incredible journey of writing your debut novel. It’s a thrilling and sometimes nerve-wracking experience, but one that is filled with passion, creativity, and endless possibilities. As we dive into the world of storytelling, it’s not uncommon for us to dream of achieving bestseller status right out of the gate. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind our expectations and draw parallels between our writing aspirations and various fields of expertise. So, let’s dive in and uncover the truth behind our hopes and dreams.


The Cycle Race

Imagine this: You’re an aspiring cyclist, and your dream is to win a race against last year’s Tour de France winner. But here’s the catch: you have no training or experience whatsoever. Now, let’s be honest. Would you expect to beat him, a seasoned professional with a Tour de France victory under his belt? Probably not.


Just like in the world of cycling, writing requires skill, practice, and experience. We authors must recognize that becoming a bestselling author is not an overnight feat. It takes time and dedication to master the craft. While there may be exceptions to the rule, most successful authors have honed their skills through years of writing, learning, and improving. They’ve written numerous works, embracing both triumphs and failures, before achieving significant commercial success.


So, let’s set realistic expectations. Let’s understand that our debut novel is the starting line, not the finish line. It’s a stepping stone on our journey to becoming accomplished storytellers. Embrace the process, learn from the experience, and let each book contribute to your growth as a writer. 


The Investments We Make

Now, let’s talk about the investments we authors are willing to make. When we decide to pursue a new hobby or sport, such as cycling, we’re prepared to spend money on a bicycle, proper gear, and even gym memberships or training sessions to enhance our performance. We understand that to excel, we need to invest in ourselves.



But often we approach our writing career differently. We may find ourselves expecting services like editing and marketing to be provided for free. But here’s the truth: writing, just like cycling or any other pursuit, requires investments. We need to invest our time, effort, and sometimes even money to improve our craft and increase our chances of success.



Paying for coaching, writing courses, editors, and other professionals can make a world of difference in the quality and marketability of our work. Investing our time to connect with our audience on social media and spending time with the readers who have paid money for our books help us gather a community of devoted fans around us. These investments demonstrate our commitment and seriousness as authors. By investing in ourselves, we show the world that we believe in our stories and are willing to do what it takes to share them with readers.


Consider Our Motives

We should also consider that our memoir or debut novel is often written to satisfy our own needs rather than the needs of the market.


When we pour our hearts and souls into writing a memoir or debut novel, it’s crucial to acknowledge that our primary motivation is often to satisfy our own creative desires and express our unique stories. While understanding the market and readership is important, we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that our initial drive to write comes from within ourselves. Our memoir or debut novel may be deeply personal, reflecting our experiences, emotions, and perspectives. It may serve as a means of catharsis, self-discovery, or simply an avenue to share our voice with the world. 


While considering the market and readership is valuable in terms of connecting with an audience, it’s equally important to honour our authentic selves and stay true to our creative vision. Writing to primarily satisfy the market’s needs might compromise the integrity of our work and dilute the very essence that makes it special. So, as we navigate the publishing landscape, let’s strike a balance between crafting a story that resonates with readers and preserving the authenticity and personal fulfilment that drives our creative journey.


Work with Your Publisher

When it comes to publishing our debut novels, it’s important to remember that most of us will likely be working with small, independent publishers. These publishers may have tiny budgets, but they make up for it with their enormous hearts and unwavering love for books. However, sitting back and expecting our publisher to do all the work is a recipe for disappointment. While our publisher will undoubtedly support us and invest their resources, we must actively participate in the process. Collaboration and communication are key. Engage in discussions about cover designs, marketing strategies, and promotional efforts. Share your ideas and insights. 


Remember, you know your book best, and your publisher is relying on your input. By actively working with your publisher, you become an essential part of the team, amplifying the chances of success for your debut novel. So, roll up your sleeves, get involved, and together with your publisher, create a dynamic partnership that propels your book into the hands of eager readers.



The Importance of Patience and Perseverance

As we embark on our writing journey, it’s important to remember that patience and perseverance are our closest companions. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a successful writing career. Bestselling authors often faced multiple rejections before finding the right publisher or agent who recognized their talent.


Our debut novel may not become an overnight sensation, but that doesn’t mean it won’t achieve success in its own time. We must continue to hone our craft, learn from each writing project, and persistently pursue our goals. It’s through dedication and persistence that we can build a solid foundation for our writing career.


It’s also worth noting that success is subjective. While hitting the bestseller list is a remarkable achievement, it shouldn’t be the sole measure of our accomplishments as authors. The impact we have on even a handful of readers, the messages we convey through our stories, and the personal growth we experience as writers are all meaningful milestones on our journey.



As we wrap up our exploration of why we authors often expect our debut novels to be bestsellers, let’s remember that writing is a journey—a journey of self-expression, growth, and connection. While we may dream of achieving immediate success, it’s essential to set realistic expectations, understand the industry, and invest in our craft.

Just like in a cycle race against a pro cyclist, our lack of experience may not instantly position us as bestselling authors. However, with dedication, persistence, and a continuous commitment to improvement, we can carve our own path to success.

So, let’s cherish the process, celebrate every milestone, and keep honing our skills. Let’s remember that success comes in various forms, and our impact as writers goes beyond the bestseller list.

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